DB-P Z20-2 test block

The DB-P Z20-2 test block is based on the NB/T47013-2015 standard test block for non-destructive testing of pressure equipment. It is suitable for checking the change and horizontal linearity of the sensitivity margin of the ultrasonic detection system, and checking the comprehensive effect of the gain linearity of the ultrasonic detector and the accuracy of the attenuator.

The DB-P Z20-2 test block is based on the NB/T47013-2015 standard test block for non-destructive testing of pressure equipment. It is suitable for checking the change and horizontal linearity of the sensitivity margin of the ultrasonic detection system, and checking the comprehensive effect of the gain linearity of the ultrasonic detector and the accuracy of the attenuator.Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Online purchase:www.ndtmall.cn
