Build school-enterprise platform cooperation to create a win-win situation

2023-11-29 13:33:21
On April 23, 2021, Shandong Ruixiang Mold Co., Ltd. and Liaoning Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical College non-destructive testing practice base signing ceremony was held in Dandong Liaoning Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical College. Chairman and general manager Wei Zhongrui, deputy general manager Wan Haitao, Liaoning Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical College teaching vice president Zhao Jinghui, director of the school Enterprise Office He Jing, Instrument School executive dean Song Yanli, Instrument school vice president Hong Liang, physical and chemical testing and quality inspection technology course team leader Wang Yang, Liaoning Nondestructive Testing Society chairman Yu Zhijun, Secretary general Yang Chenfei attended the signing ceremony.

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

     At the signing ceremony, Mr. Wei introduced in detail the cooperation between Ruixiang Mould and domestic universities and enterprises. The company has signed school-enterprise co-construction agreements with Nanchang Hangkong University, Zhuhai College of Beijing Institute of Technology, Xi 'an Polytechnic University and other colleges and universities, and many batches of students come to our company for internship every year. Through the practice, the students' practical operation ability has been significantly improved. At the same time, the company also initiated and organized the first national College students Non-destructive testing (ultrasonic) skills competition with the Chinese Society of Non-destructive Testing, which has been successfully held for 5 sessions, not only improving the students' love for non-destructive testing but also expanding the social visibility of non-destructive testing.

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Vice President Zhao Jinghui expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of General manager Wei Zhongrui and his delegation. Liaoning Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical College has a history of more than 50 years, and is a high-level modern college of national vocational education. Non-destructive testing is a specialty of the college, and the establishment of a school-enterprise co-construction platform can make the teaching of non-destructive testing a higher level.

In order to enable students to fully understand the application of non-destructive testing in different fields, Ruixiang Mold provides Liaoning Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical College, including oil and gas pipelines, aerospace, new energy and other fields of non-destructive testing test blocks.

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould
