The second meeting of the third session of the welding test and inspection sub-technical Committee of the National Welding Standardization Technical Committee was held

2023-11-27 10:57:27

On November 27, 2019, the second meeting of the third session of the welding Test and Inspection sub-technical Committee of the National Welding Standardization Technical Committee was held in Jining, Shandong Province.

 On behalf of the Secretariat, Secretary-General Elena Zhai reported on the summary of work in 2019 and the work plan for 2020. Then the 2019 outstanding members were awarded, and the chairman and general manager Wei Zhongrui won the 2019 Outstanding Members award. The experts at the meeting made excellent thematic reports.



Chairman Xie Yinglong presides over the meeting山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Secretary General Zhai Lianna delivered a report on behalf of the Secretariat山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Award ceremony山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Outstanding committee members (or representatives) receiving awards山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

conference hall山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

have a group photo taken to mark the occasion
