Our company participated in the first annual meeting of Heilongjiang Nondestructive Testing Professional Committee

2023-11-23 14:34:15


The first annual meeting of the Nondestructive Testing Professional Committee of Heilongjiang Mechanical Engineering Society was held in the beautiful ice city of Harbin on January 12, 2019. Nearly 70 people participated in the meeting. The meeting brought together nearly 40 enterprises and colleges from Heilongjiang Province. In addition, the meeting also invited Mr. Ji Jingyuan, Secretary general of the Nondestructive Testing Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Mr. Jiang Jiansheng, director of the nondestructive testing Division of the Shanghai Institute of Materials, and Mr. Wei Zhongrui, chairman of the company, to give a congratulatory speech.

Ruixiang brand test block | mouldRuixiang brand test block | mouldRuixiang brand test block | mould

The meeting also invited the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Aircraft Industry Group Co., LTD., Harbin Boiler Factory, Harbin Steam Turbine Factory and other domestic leading enterprises to do technical exchanges, the company's marketing manager Meng Fanbao to introduce the company's work in the development of new products, but also launched a new product - composite test block.

Through technical exchanges, we have exchanged advanced testing technology and broadened our horizons. We also hope that we can learn from each other with the help of this platform and strive to revitalize the old Northeast industrial base!

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould


Ruixiang brand test block | mould

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Ruixiang brand test block | mould

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